Starship Tech #6: Coronado Class Scout

Welcome to the STARSHIP TECH library. This PDF series of starships was created to bring you the most realistic designs possible for your Future d20 game. Each subject is created as a 3D CGI model that is then rotated and positioned to show you each aspect of the ship and its systems. In addition, we also provide you with full color and gray 30mm scale (1” square = 5 scale feet) map tiles of the ENTIRE ship. Everything you need for exciting game play is included in this PDF. Coronado Class Scout offers two versions of the ship, a military scout vessel and a civilian transport with full stats for each version.

This PDF includes:

• Full ship description including service and development history

• Full game stats for two versions of the ship (civilian transport and military scout vessel)

• Bonus art gallery including sensor image

• 30mm deck tiles offered in both full color and 'printer-friendly' grayscale versions

Price: $3.45

FDG0019 Free Demo PDF

All images and text copyright FAT DRAGON GAMES